Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission...

I hope they call me on a mission
when I have grown a foot or two.
I hope by then I will be ready
to teach and preach and work as missionaries do.
I hope that I can share the gospel
with those who want to know the truth.
I want to be a missionary
and serve and help the Lord while I am in my youth.
In our Faith, the majority of young men, and quite a few young women, and married or retired couples choose to leave the comfort of their homes, and serve the Lord in a foreign environment for 18 months to 2 years.  To learn more about a mission click here.
From a young age, children of our faith are taught of their chance to serve the Lord sharing the gospel to everyone who wants to hear it.  My family was no exception.  We have been taught what a great thing missionary work is, and why not share something that you love so much.  When the time came my brother Chris put in his papers and waited to see where he would be called. You can read about the experience of taking him to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in this post and see pictures in this post.
Chris served the people of Hungary for two years and enjoyed it.  It was not easy seeing him off, but there is comfort in knowing the Lord will be protecting him while he is away, and that the wonderful people of Hungary would be benefiting from his great spirit and fun personality.
Now it is my brother Skyler's turn. He turned in his papers and we patiently impatiently waited for his call.  When his call came we gathered all his friends and family to the house so he could open it with everyone around.  It was such a neat moment and I am so glad that we got it on video.

Texas, Dallas Spanish Speaking.  How cool.  He is to report Sept 18th to the MTC in MEXICO, say what? In Mexico, another cool thing.  We are all so excited for him.  I feel like the time between him opening his call and his report date just flew by.  I cannot believe in just a few days he will be on his way to Mexico.  I cannot believe that my little brother is already old enough for a mission. Saying "see ya later" to a loved one is never easy, especially when it is for 2 years.  But I know that the time will fly by as well, and his service will be greatly appreciated by the people of Texas. The hardest part is going to have to be trying to explain to my 2 year old, Kenzi, why uncle Sky is no longer around.  She LOVES her uncle Sky and follows him around whenever she is with him.  She is already constantly asking for him.  How do you explain a mission to a two year old?  If anyone has any pointers I would love to hear them.  But his example will be great once she gets older, she will be grateful that he took the time to go on a mission and serve.
So to you Sky I say good luck, even though you won't need it.  You're amazing personality and love for others will shine.  You have always had a kind heart and accepted everyone, I know these gifts will be a huge asset to you on your mission. 

We are very proud of the decision you have made to serve the Lord and cannot wait to hear about the experiences you encounter in this next journey in your life.  We love you and I promise by the time you are back Kenz and Tate will both be ASU fans! :) Now go and serve and show the people of Texas why we love you so much!

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