Monday, January 9, 2012

Picky people and eating healthy

I have come to the conclusion that picky people (that's ME) cannot eat healthy. I mean have you seen healthy food these days. Not only is it expensive, but it is gross. I just cannot get myself to force it down my stomach. I have looked and looked for healthy meal options in order to help me with my new years resolution of eating healthy and being more fit, and I have found nothing that even looks remotely delicious. I guess picky people just aren't meant to eat healthy.


Franchesca said...

Look into the Insanity workout program. I have a friend that did the whole thing with her husband and they loved it. I've used their meal plans to help me lose the baby weight and I like to food. Don't be afraid to tweak things when you need to. Brett and I had to do some tweaking on their menu from time to time.

Their plan wants you to eat five times a day, but they give you ten different recipe options for each of the five meals. I have a PDF of the menu book if you want it.

Kayla Lindholm said...

Chesca - I will definitely look into it! Can you please send me the pdf so I can take a look at it? It doesn't sound too bad. My email is