Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So in case you didn't know I work in the childcare at Mountainside Fitness! I love my job! It has its up and downs but the kids are my favorite! You can bet how excited I was to see them dressed up in their cute Halloween costumes! Well continuing the tradition I bought candy to hand out to the kids as they left today.  As a last minute thing I decided to get some pretzels (they were shaped like pumpkins and bats) and some teddy grahams for the younger ones who may not want the chocolate and sweets!  So I have my basket mixed with my goodies and could you believe that most of the parents refused the candy for their kids and insisted that they have the pretzels and teddy grams (although you may be thinking well it is a gym...) I was appalled!  It's HALLOWEEN for goodness sacks! Let your kids have some Candy! What is this world coming too! I mean everyone is so ridiculously set on being in shape, having the perfect body, and insisting that your children to the same! Well I am all for feeding your kids healthy things, and not letting them have candy on a regular basis, but this is Halloween! Let your kids have some Candy! Man o man i just wanted to say this one little piece wont hurt.  Of course you are going to manage their intake tonight because they will get loads, but making them refuse 1 piece at the gym! Ridiculous! So you parents out there! Please let your kids have some candy tonight! For me!  

Which leads me to another point! Why is society today so focused on appearance, again I believe in being healthy and managing your food and sweet intake.  But come on spending all of your time at the gym is really unnecessary! and getting ready to go to the gym to work out is even more unnecessary! I see people in full on make-up at the gym! Come on it is just going to sweat off! I wish people were not so into their appearances.  I feel like today's society is obsessed with their appearance, I mean I guess one would have to be if their role models are those fake people that you see on TV and magazines, what makes me so sad is that people fail to realize that they are just that Fake! They are airbrushed and photoshopped and put in the right camera angles so that you can see their "best side".  It just depresses me that society is going where it is.  Be who you are! That is who god made you to be! Believe in yourself! Know you are beautiful! Everyone is!  And you are much more real than those fake people in the media!


Brianne said...

I agree... I am doing music therapy at an eating disorder clinic for women. That place is always full! It's so sad to see the little things these women do to try to burn a calorie. The part that makes me sad is that those women have to live with themselves every day of their lives! They really do think they are fat and have a HUGE fear of gaining weight. We all create our own reality, and some people's reality is a little bit skewed. But I really do believe that it is a mental disorder that is difficult to overcome. I'm sure that working in a gym you see it a bit more than most. Good luck!

Kylie said...

Amen Kayla! Don't worry, I probably ate enough candy to make up for all those kids. :)