Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Time is a thief...

Does anyone else feel like January 1st was just yesterday?  What the heck happened to this year? I cannot believe we are already in July, and in a short 6 months we will be in the year 2020.  My mind is blown!

Time is such a crazy thing.  Sometimes I want to speed it up and sometimes I want it to slow down.  Recently I have been trying better to live in each day, in each moment, instead of wishing time would slow down or fly by.  

It can be so hard to try to make every moment count.  I will be the first to admit that I can get caught up in the social media hole, or getting mindlessly caught up in whatever TV show I am watching.  But as my kids get older it makes me sad to think that soon enough they will be out of my house and all of these moments I could have been doing a better job.  I want my kids to remember that I tried my best, had fun with them, but also encouraged them to have fun on their own.  I want to remember the fun times we had, and also the simple quiet moments of movie watching as a family, or eating dinner together.  

It seems like the older I get the faster time goes.  I don't know if there is a correlation because I am busier and most days just trying to stay afloat.  Or if time is playing a trick on me.  But either way I don't like it.  

Being present.  It can be so.dang.hard.

I recently took a trip to Utah and told myself I would try harder to put my phone away.  It was so refreshing to spend time with my grandma, to just listen to her stories and take it all in.  I don't know how many more years we will have together, nobody really knows how much time they have left on this earth.  It is so important, to be present, ask questions, take it all in.  I am so glad that I made a more conscious effort and it truly made a difference.

What are some ways you stay present and enjoy the little moments?  I would love any ideas that you have.


Jordan Lynn said...

Oh I love this!! The truth behind it is real. Having littles is hard but seeing them grow so quick is also hard! I wish we could bottle up every day! Love this, love you!!

I like to personally out all distractions down and make a mental note of things, the color of their clothes, the smell of the moment, sounds I hear.... it helps solidify the feelings as I watch them!

Kayla Lindholm said...

Sorry Jordan, I just saw this comment. Thats a great idea, taking a mental note of little details. That would definitely help to create those memories.